
When choosing a product for benefits of EGCG, choose wisely

Guest post is provided by Cellan Diet Pills. Research finds that EGCG contained in green tea to bring host of benefits to humans. That’s why Cellan Diet Pills contain 100 percent green tea extract.

Ancient Chinese drank green tea for its aroma as well as its power as an antioxidant. The benefit of green tea is known throughout the world and many take it in different forms. The well-known secret about green tea is it contains an antioxidant compound commonly known as EGCG (epigallocatechin 3-gallate).

Researchers in many countries find that EGCG brings many benefits including increased metabolism, prevent oxidative damage in healthy cells, act as an antiangiogenic as well as an antitumor agent, modulate tumor cell response to chemotherapy, blocks carcinogenesis, bring cardiovascular benefits, lower bad cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and strengthen the immune system. EGCG provides a potential safe and cheap alternative way to get cancer prevention properties from natural products. There are many products in the market that claims to contain abundance of EGCG. But how the green tea is processed affects the EGCG content. That’s why Cellan Diet Pills use 100 percent green tea extract in its products to give the user maximum benefits of green tea.

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