
Why you should take advantage of virtual doctor appointments?

Article provide by Francis Dunn, Miami, FL

Your physical and mental health should not take a back seat as maintaining your health is key to managing a successful home and work life. However, the current pandemic has made physically meeting a doctor risky and time-consuming.

Telemedicine which involves meeting your doctor virtually has helped many patients manage their physical and mental health. Virtual appointments are similar to in-person visits, except you will see your doctor via a video call. At your consultation, your doctor will ask you to specify your health concerns and send through any medical reports that you have on hand. Your medical practitioner will then give you their diagnosis and send through a prescription for medication.

Virtual visits have become the preferred choice not only due to safety concerns but due to cost reasons.  Figures show that virtual visits can be as low as 50% less than in-person consultations. Additionally, online appointments allow you to meet your doctor anywhere at any time, giving you the flexibility to meet your work and family commitments. Additionally, online consultations have no travel and waiting times allowing patients to rest while they wait for their appointment.

To access a virtual appointment, choose a reputed health care application and follow the prompts to set-up your profile. Most applications will require a brief health history plus any relevant medical reports that are related to your current medical concern.

Although your next consultation may look a lot different, telemedicine has made managing health a lot easier, efficient, and cost-effective.

Francis Dunn Miami FL

Francis Dunn is based in Miami, Florida. He has worked as a health entrepreneur for over two decades using the latest technology to transform patient experiences. Over the course of his career, Francis Dunn has been fortunate to work with three tech startups, launching 25 technology products. At DMDconnects, he worked on a team that delivered over a 900 percent growth rate by implementing a range of innovative business drivers for the organization.

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