Appetite Suppressants are weight loss supplements (pills) that limit the amount of your food intake by as much as 40%, bringing your daily calorie intake down without cravings for food.
Appetite Suppressants also work to re-train eating habits, meaning they generally only need to be used for a number of months before you get used to smaller portion sizes, making it easier to keep control of your diet.
Appetite suppressants are used to increase the rate of weight loss (quick weight loss) or natural weight loss and it also encourages obese people to work out more to lose weight. Appetite suppressants can be termed as weight loss supplements or weight loss pills.
Appetite suppressants can be from natural sources or designed in the laboratory. Either of the two produces different effects with a common goal.
Some appetite suppressants increase metabolism consuming most of the food that we eat and converting it into energy that can be lost in the form of heat and other energy forms. Some appetite suppressants reduce or minimize most of the early hunger contractions or the second hunger contractions, reducing your desire for ingesting more food.
These appetite suppressants help to quicken the weight loss by depressing hunger contractions and making the person feel full than they really are.
Some appetite suppressants breakdown fat stores in the body making you lose weight almost immediately after use. Blood glucose level is also decreased and the fatty acids are also mobilized rather than being stored.
All the appetite suppressants may work on all or some of the above principles to bring about the changes in individual’s weight after its use. These appetite suppressants include water, almonds, chillies, salmon, apple and other fibre containing fruits that temporarily fill your stomach relieving your immediate hunger.
This high fibre diet heals most of the troubles relating to the gastro intestinal tract and also improves the digestion of food in the body. These appetite suppressants like Hoodia, which is a natural appetite suppressant stimulate quick weight loss and immediately act on the body to produce a significant effect.
Best Appetite Suppressants (Weight Loss Supplements) for Natural & Quick Weight Loss:
UNIQUEHOODIA is one of the most commonly used herbs for weight loss. Hoodia, the main product in UniqueHoodia was discovered by African hunters in the forests of Africa.
They used this hoodia herb to minimize their hunger and continued to hunt for days without eating. Hoodia has now become one of the most active ingredients in appetite suppressant pills and other dosage forms.
UniqueHoodia is a natural appetite suppressant that works by regulating blood glucose levels keeping it normal and also by increasing the metabolic rate of the body that means the burning of excessive food that’s ingested.
This leaves the body with only enough food that is metabolized and not deposited in the form of fat tissue. And also helps you reduce weight greatly.
UniqueHoodia also boosts your energy levels and that maintains a higher stamina for the person consuming this hoodia appetite suppressant. Further, UniqueHoodia being a natural weight loss supplement (natural appetite suppressant) has no side affect(s).
Usually, delayed weight loss discourages those caught in the process of losing weight and at this rate appetite suppressants like the UniqueHoodia not only help in weight loss and fasten the procedure but also psychologically boost the desire for immediate weight loss (weight shedding).
PURE ACAI BERRY – Acai Berry is globally the most wanted fruit of one of the species of palm tree, the Acai palm.
It is a small, round, black purple fruit, 1 inch in circumference, similar in appearance but smaller than a grape and with less pulp. It hangs in the panicles of six hundred to nine hundred fruits.
It was being harvested by Native Americans for hundreds of years as it was an important component of their daily diet. However, only few years ago it got popularity in most parts of the world including the West because of its innate qualities as a dietary or weight loss supplement.
Moreover it was very much publicized on electronic media.
From this Acai Berry comes the Pure Acai Berry Weight Loss Supplement, the most powerful and potent accai berry available yet. The Pure Acai Berry offers a wide range of benefits to the human body. Some claims are scientifically proven while some are not.
Some of the benefits are that it suppresses appetite, binds fat, increases energy levels, enhances libido, and facilitates digestion and detoxification in the body. It promotes healthy skin, reduces cholesterol levels and thus improves cardiac activity.
It is marketed as a wonder substance for reducing weight.
Acai Berry has long been promoted as a dietary (weight loss) supplement and is known for its antioxidant compounds – a fabulous fruit that can turbocharge your weight loss efforts.
The Pure Acai Berry appetite suppressant weight loss supplement offers an amazing 6-month money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied. This offers total peace of mind and puts their faith and money where their mouth is.
Not only can you experience fast weight loss with improved health. You can now do it absolutely risk free.
CARALLUMA BURN – Caralluma™ burn is an appetite suppressant obtained from the caralluma fimbriata plant.
This natural weight loss product has been utilized for 1000’s of years by Indian tribes in order to curb or suppress their appetite and boost endurance whenever they were out on a daily hunt.
Caralluma™ Burn’s potent appetite suppression power will influence you to consume less and stop snacking between meals, making diets easier to follow.
- Stops your hunger dead!
- Stops snacking between meals
- Dieting becomes easier
- Clinically proven to work
- 100% organic ingredients
- Makes you fuller for longer
Number of pills per bottle:
30 pills per bottle. Take 1 pill a day.
How long will each box last?:
1 month supply.
Caralluma™ Burn is good for:
Men and women that like to snack during the day! Developed to stop you snacking.
PROSHAPE RX – The Proshape rx™ appetite suppressant System consists of a comprehensive weight loss program that not only includes dietary or weight loss supplements but a free online community program.
Approved by a doctor and an herbalist, ProShape Rx weight loss supplement contains cutting edge ingredients such as Hoodia Gordonii which has no undesirable effects and has been a key part of weight loss success these days.
Today, Hoodia products dominate the market and scores of distributors maintain that pure Hoodia Gordonii is an ingredient in their product, however, loads of times this is not the case. A certification or documentation of pure Hoodia Gordonii should be found on every Hoodia featured product.
What you get when you purchase the Proshape rx weight loss supplement:
• A weight loss supplement that contains Hoodia
• Well informed and comprehensive website
• Free Membership to an online Weight Loss Community
• 30 Days Money-back guarantee
ZOTRIM – Zotrim™ is a diet pill which is backed by 8 separate clinical studies in its ability to control your weight in a healthy and effective manner.
Its double action system ensures that not only will you enjoy less hunger throughout the day, but that you will also experience greater levels of energy.
- Lose up to 5% bodyweight in only 6 weeks
- Minimizes hunger so you can lose weight
- Boosts energy no sluggish side effects
- Approved by the BBC’s Professor Regan
- Proven to work by 8 clinical studies
- 100% natural ingredients
Number of pills per box:
180 pills. Take between 3-6 pills a day.
How long will each box last?:
Between 30 and 60 days
Zotrim™ is good for:
If you are looking to suppress your appetite with a clinically proven product
PUREHOODIAGUM – A powerful appetite suppressing gum made from the hoodia gordonii cacti.
Used for generations by the local tribes people of the African Kalahari dessert, hoodia is commonly accepted to remove the hunger and thus making dieting and rational eating easier.
By also being offered as a gum, Pure HoodiaGum™ has the added benefits of keeping your mouth busy, thus giving you the psychological advantage in beating your weight problems!
- Reduce your appetite and consume less
- Stops you snacking between meals
- Lose 1 -5 lbs a week
- Contains pure hoodia gordonii
- Very powerful appetite suppressor
- Supplies psychological advantage
Number of servings per box:
30 servings.
How long will each box last?:
Up to 30 days.
Pure HoodiaGum™ is perfect for:
Supplying you with a casual means to reduce your appetite.
HoodiaPatch – Containing an extract from the powerful hoodia gordonii cacti plant. HoodiaPatch™ is a powerful weight loss patch that aims to remove your hunger and make dieting effortless than ever before.
Containing nothing but 100% unadulterated hoodia, HoodiaPatch™’s transdermal patch know-how makes sure that you receive the active ingredient straight into your blood stream, making it faster acting than many diet pills out there.
- Drop your appetite and eat less
- Stops you snacking between meals
- Works quickly in your system
- Contains pure hoodia gordonii
- Very powerful appetite suppressor
- Uses modern transdermal delivery system
Number of patches per box:
30 patches. Use one a day.
How long will each box last?:
30 days
HoodiaPatch™ is perfect for:
Curbing your hunger and helping you to follow strict diets. The #1 pure hoodia patch
APPESAT – Appesat™ is one of the best weight management partners. This organically sourced fibre complex is a clinically proven appetite suppressant intended to help you eat less and lose weight.
Appesat™ also happens to be one of the most backed products in the media at present, with both celebrity endorsements and reputable news agencies supporting the success dieters have had with Appesat™.
- Feel less hungry so you consume less
- Learn healthy habits for life
- Lose body fat not just water
- Effective appetite suppressant
- 100% natural ingredients
- Keeps you full between meals
Number of pills per box:
50 pills per box. Taken 3 times a day.
How long will each box last?:
16 days maximum.
Appesat™ is well recognised:
You will have seen the Appesat™ adverts which add integrity to this brand
Special mention also needs to be made of the following fantastic clinically proven, effective, 100% natural and organic appetite suppressants (Weight Loss Supplements):
- Capsiplex – Contains Pepper and suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans