The African mango is native to West African countries more especially to Cameroon. This edible fruit contains a nut that promote healthy fat and protein in human bodies when consumed. Natives have been using the fruit including the nut and flesh that contain more fiber as a thickening agent in cooking. Recent research on African mango reveals that the nut contains a body fat production agent due to its increased level of leptin. The leptin is a substance that regulates metabolism and aid to suppress the appetite.
Cellan is formulated using an exclusive formula containing African Mango, 100 percent green tea extract, Vitamin C and B3 and an exclusive berry blend. Due to the use of African mango, the user is guaranteed to get all health benefits that it provides to the human body. Dr. provides some good articles about African Mango & Cellan Diet. The Cellan Diet cleanses your colon and improves your metabolism. Berry blend brings in much needed antioxidants. Vitamin C and B3 contained in the Cellan Diet Pills provide much needed minerals to your body to improve your health. Cellan built up the defense system in your body against harmful weight accumulation.