The Most Popular Types of Cosmetic Surgeries

Article by Dr. Jan Zemplenyi Over the past few years, cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular. Social media and the development of the internet, in general, has led to an increased emphasis on public image. On Facebook and Instagram, for example, a lot of people share the best moments of their lives. They can choose …

Can you get your driver’s license suspended in California if you have a Mental Disorder?

Article written by Delta Driving School While mental health issues should remain confidential between a patient and their doctor, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), is authorized to investigate into any suggestion that a driver suffers from a mental health disorder that could potentially affect their driving ability. Even though in many cases mental …

The Link Between Massages and Health

Everyone loves receiving a massage. It’s basically a fact. The right massage from a qualified professional can put you at ease, help relax you and go a long way toward making the rest of your day, or even week, profoundly less stressful. But you may not think about all the health benefits that come with …

Dr. Sid Solomon Explains What is Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Article Written by Dr. Sid Solomon The term “periodontal” means “around the tooth.” Periodontal disease (also known as periodontitis and gum disease) is a common inflammatory condition which affects the supporting and surrounding soft tissues of the tooth. In its most advanced stages, periodontitis will even affect the jawbone. Periodontal disease is most often preceded …

Claiming Great Skin

As we age, the glowing skin of our youth begins to lose elasticity and years of damage brought on by ultraviolet sunlight, pimples, and other common skin problems which affect us, resulting in skin that can become uneven in tone or hyperpigmented. Although getting back our skin we had as youth is not possible, it …