
Thinking About Dental Implants?

Article Submitted by DentalMal Missing teeth can be a real issue for most people. Though it’s sometimes possible to address this with partial dentures, the best solution to date is dental implants. They are expensive, but give you the look and feel of real teeth. You can eat with them and feel good about smiling …


Losing Weight and Physical Exercise

Written by There are two main parts to any successful weight-loss program: consuming less calories and physical exercise. This blog post focuses on why regular physical exercise is such an integral part of any weight-loss program, including the SENSA Weight-Loss System. It Works Although losing weight is a difficult journey that often ends in …


Can you get your driver’s license suspended in California if you have a Mental Disorder?

Article written by Delta Driving School While mental health issues should remain confidential between a patient and their doctor, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), is authorized to investigate into any suggestion that a driver suffers from a mental health disorder that could potentially affect their driving ability. Even though in many cases mental …